Anglican Communion Network

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Diocese of Dallas officially joins Network

The Episcopal Diocese of Dallas voted on October 15 to join the Network of Anglican Communion Dioceses and Parishes. The diocese, which had been provisionally affiliated, approved formalaffiliation in the Network at their annual convention. According to news reports, delegates to the convention voted by a two to one margin to approve affiliation.

With the vote, the 77 congregations of the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas formally joined nine other dioceses andhundreds of individualparishes and clergyin upholding the historic faith and catholicorder of the Episcopal Church and Anglican Communion. The the provisionally affiliated Episcopal Diocese of Western Kansas is also in the process of considering formal affilation. As a group, the 11 dioceses and scores of individual congregations in relationship with the Network count more than 800 parishes and nearly 200,000 members.

According to Dallas’ Bishop James Stanton, Network affiliation is “Simply a continuation of our church’s teachings, our position with the Episcopal Church, and our communion with Anglicans around the world.”

A total of 22 of the Anglican Communion’s 38 provinces have declared either impaired or broken communion with the Episcopal Church after their communion-breaking decisions during the summer of 2003. In contrast, the Network continues to both maintain and build relationships with Anglican Christians throughout the world.

Posted at 12:00 am 10.18.2004 | Permalink
