The Anglican Relief and Development Fund (ARDF) is a ministry of the Anglican Communion Network. Supporters of the Fund put their faith into action by sharing the love of Christ both in word and deed in the Global South. In its first year of operation, the Fund provided practical help and tangible hope to suffering Anglican brothers and sisters in many countries of the Global South.
ARDF-funded projects amounted to over $1.4 million and are expected to result in:
- 34,000 people receiving medical care
- 13,000 people receiving clean water and sanitation improvements
- 39,400 people counseled
- 13,000 people educated on sustainable farming techniques
- 32,600 people hearing the Gospel
- 8,600 people tested for HIV/AIDS and counseled
On November 8, 2005, the ARDF Trustees approved 13 new projects — 11 development projects and 2 relief projects.
Our vision
We will have been successful when North American biblically based Anglicans share their wealth through effective and efficient means with biblically based poor Anglican communities in the Global South so that believers are strengthened and encouraged, lives are rescued and made whole, and Christ is glorified.
Our mission
Anglican Relief and Development provides effective and efficient relief and development assistance for objective high-impact projects with measurable transformational results. ARDF exists to maximize life change in some of the most challenging parts of the Anglican Communion in the Global South adhering to the biblically based Anglican tradition.
ARDF’s Hope for the Future
The Anglican Relief and Development Fund was created to be the strong hands of Christ reaching out in solidarity with brothers and sisters in the Global South, to be an encouragement to families and communities with practical help and solid solutions of a living Gospel that feeds body, soul and spirit so that all may live the abundant life, so that all may seek eternal life in Jesus Christ.
In rural Malawi, half the children ages 5 or younger suffer from protein deficiency. Families struggle with inadequate farming techniques, and frequent food shortages debilitate impoverished rural families. Contaminated water further destroys their health by spreading preventable diseases.
The project trains 244 farmers in modern agricultural techniques, which will improve year-round food supplies and nutrition for 2,000 children and adults. A borehole well will bring potable water to the community, benefiting more than 1,000 villagers.
Partnership for Changed Lives

Geneva Global Inc. is a professional services firm providing independent research and insight to ARDF. Geneva Global produces a Delta Report for each project it recommends to ARDF for approval by the Trustees.
Investment approach
Geneva clients experience the satisfaction of knowing the difference their grant has made.
Geneva is independent of any implementing charity or interest group. Geneva’s independence is the guarantee of objectivity. Research it produces is developed for investment-minded donors; it is not slanted to a sell a particular cause or project.
Global network, local knowledge
Geneva has developed a multinational staff of more than 100 professionals from 30 different countries and a trained network of more than 500 local field experts. This enables Geneva to identify and qualify little known but highly effective local projects in the world’s hardest places.
A proven track record
Geneva has extensive grant-making experience in more than 90 of the world’s poorest countries. On behalf of its clients, Geneva manages hundreds of grants around the world each year, ranging in size from $10,000 to $400,000. Geneva clients enjoy results that are 10 to 30 times greater than the programs that popular international charities deliver.
The ARDF Difference
Hope and a Future
ARDF supports grassroots Anglican projects in the Global South, many beyond the reach of large international charities, that change lives in measurable, sustainable ways. Empowering people with knowledge, improved health and nutrition and ways to make a living gives impoverished families the dignity of participating in their own life improvements and the solace of God who calls his children by name.
Local knowledge, Local Presence
ARDF’s unique personal connection with many dioceses and their leaders in the Global South allows us to find, evaluate and fund projects that help specific people, not undefined populations, and to provide targeted solutions, not just bags of rice. Knowledge of the local culture, its challenges and opportunities is a critical component of efficient, effective interventions. By working through the local organizations and church communities, Christ’s presence and mercy are tangible and visible.
Sustained Change
ARDF changes lives rather than merely sustaining them. ARDF provides sustenance along with the nurturing, education and tools that foster dramatic, sustained improvement for families and their communities. Our short-term financial investments yield long-term life changes in some of the world’s hardest places.
From Hope to Confidence
ARDF has demanding funding standards to assure your contributions are directed to projects that will efficiently create measurable life changes. Our partnership with Geneva Global, an independent leader in investment-minded philanthropy, provides firsthand due dilligence through objective, professional research and analyis on program effectiveness, financial accountability, governance and risks. All grant proposals have detailed bugets with no line items for church and charity overhead except for administrative and equipment expenses required to implement the project. ARDF knows how grant money will be spent and knows expected results. At the conclusion of every project, Geneva Global provides a detailed performance report to ARDF.
Board of Trustees
Nineteen Trustees represent Anglican groups from North America and the Global South. The officers of the Fund and the Global South Trustees are:
The Most Rev. Dr. Peter J. Akinola
Metropolitan and Primate of All Nigeria and Bishop of Abuja
The Right Rev. Robert Duncan
Bishop of Pittsburgh
The Very Rev. Dr. Peter C. Moore
President Emeritus, Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry
Global South Trustees
The Most Rev. Drexel W. Gomez
Archbishop of the Church in the Province of the West Indies
The Most Rev. Benjamin Nzimbi
Archbishop of the Anglican Church in Kenya
The Most Rev. Henry L. Orombi
Archbishop of the Church of the Province of Uganda
The Most Rev. Datuk Yong Ping Chung
Archbishop of the Church of the Province of South East Asia
and Bishop of Sabah
The Rt. Rev. Dr. David Zac Niringiye
Assistant Bishop of Kampala
How to Give
We welcome your support, whether through PayPal or through a check sent to:
Anglican Relief and Development FundAttn: Accounting
535 Smithfield St., Suite 910
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
For more detailed information about the Fund or its projects, write to:
Canon Nancy NortonAnglican Relief and Development Fund
535 Smithfield St., Suite 910
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Or use this form to send email to Canon Norton.